The Apocolyptic Anti-Hero. I think of myself as more than just one of these titles so I made my own the Apocolyptic Anti-Hero. Which means I ocasionally like to break things , this includes lots of fire, lots and lots of fire, but of coures things that arent mine. The other half of the time when im not creating complete desruction I like to be funny or at least try to. The most important thing about me is that I am a very big slacker. If it dosent invole destruction most of the time I am not intersted in doing it. There is only one exeption for my slackness and it is sports mainly hockey and baseball.
Hey Adam. What about other sides to yourself besides your hobbies of breaking and burning things? What about your look at what goes on around you and your philosophies, goals, important people in your life, etc.? There's more to you than hobbies, although those are a big part of who you are.